Journey to Excellence

The project

The “J2E – Journey to Excellence” project aims to face some new challenges that VET has recently faced and to improve the competences of the staff working in the VET centres involved in the project, to manage work-based learning-WBL paths, giving the opportunity to 40 IVET staff (trainers, tutors, coordinators, project managers and directors) to discover new organizational and educational models from other countries where the WBL education (alternance / apprenticeship) has achieved good results and a more consolidated tradition.
The project represents an opportunity and a moment of strategic orientation with the Italian experimentation of the Dual System. The VET centres involved in the project have, in fact, the need to understand how the WBL is planned and managed in other countries, how to build an area dedicated to the active labour market policies in their centres, to review the roles of tutors and teachers, to structure an efficient service for the relationship with the companies, to introduce new teaching and inclusion methodologies (including more use of ICT). All these aspects are crucial for the success of the Dual System in Italy.

Project's Goals

The aim of the project is therefore to support the VET staff participating in the project in developing innovative strategies to optimize the teaching organization structure related to the Dual System, personalise the WBL training paths, invest in guidance and placement services, extra-curricular and inclusion activities.


To achieve the objectives the project will realize short Job Shadowing activities (4-5 days) around 3 topics:
  1. Study of excellent organizational and teaching models, including personalized teaching, to promote the WBL in all its forms (alternance, apprenticeship, school based enterprise)
  2. Study of significant experiences (and related methods/devices/tools) to promote the social and work inclusion
  3. Study of effective use of ICT for a more active, engaging and motivating teaching (also intended as a rethinking of time and space for education)

Project Info

Project Code: 2018-1-IT01-KA102-006504

CUP: G34E18000340006


Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Action Type: VET learner and staff mobility


20 months (01/10/2018 – 31/07/2020)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.