The Project

The purpose of the project is to develop cooperation between VET schools and working life in European countries. The idea is to find ways to promote employment and professional skills and competences in different European countries.  Vocational education and training (VET) is a critical component of preparing individuals for working life. As the needs of the labour market evolve and change, VET must also adapt to ensure that it remains relevant and effective in preparing students for the future of work. The project will improve the quality of VET practices based on the needs of the labour market. Meanwhile the partners will confirm cooperation between VET providers, companies, chambers, national authorities, and other stakeholders by developing Joint VET qualifications.
The purpose is to create a strong future-oriented European level network, that creates a vision, strategy and action plan with the goal of stronger cooperation in the future. A profound communication platform will be created for the new network.
With our actions, that include a series of events (workshops and meetings) both nationally/regionally and internationally, we will directly reach 300+ students, 150+ work life representatives and numerous Vet teachers, policy makers and potential students and their parents. We will also create an online platform for VET practitioners.

Overall, VET must remain resilient, flexible and adaptable to ensure that it is meeting the needs of the changing labour market. By focusing on digital skills, soft skills, lifelong learning, collaboration with employers, as well as diversity and inclusion, VET can prepare students for the jobs of the future.


The main objectives will be:
  • to increase the attractiveness of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Europe and to create a strategic approach to maintain the high quality of VET
  • to ensure that digitalisation, inclusion, green transition, and internationalisation are considered as core elements in the implementation of VET.


Project’s Coordinator

Project’s info

Project’s Code101132823 
Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action
:  Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices
Action Type
:  : Forward-Looking Projects

: 36 moths from  01/01/2024 to 31/12/2026

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